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Home > Monitor Training > Loan Process > Signature Required

Signature Required

Signature required every three years.

If the person who is borrowing the item hasn't signed a loan agreement in the last two years this screen will appear.
If someone else is picking up the item that person will be checked for a signed loan agreement also.

A laminated copy of the Loan Agreement is on the desk for the client to read. After signing on the Signature Pad the Loan Agreement will be printed with the clients information and signature on the bottom.

Initially the Print button is hidden. (See screen above.)

First - When the client is ready to sign the Signature Pad press (left click) the Sign button.
Second - The client's signature should appear in the box as they sign. If it doesn't, tell them to stop. Press the Sign button again and have them sign.
When the signature is complete press the Done button.
Third - When the Print button appears press it. The Loan Agreement will display.
If the Print button doesn't appear press the Done button again.

If, for some reason, you are unable to get a signature click the Finish Loan without Signature button unless it is appropriate to Cancel the loan all together..

When the Loan Agreement displays click the Print Agreement button. Be sure the printer is turned on. Once the page has printed give it to the borrower and click the Confirm Loan button.


Confirm Loan

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